Radio Shack Locations Closing Across the Country

Radio Shack announced last Thursday that it has filed for bankruptcy and would be closing nearly half of their stores, 1,784, over the next six weeks! Stores will close in every state in the Union except for Alaska, Nevada and West Virginia. California will close the most stores at 175 while Vermont will close only 2. Illinois will be closing 77 stores with 18 being in Chicago alone.

Back in the day the company bragged that 90% of every person living in the United States of America lived within mere minutes of a store, ultimately contributing to its downfall. Sometimes too much of a good thing is no longer a good thing!

Those stores, like what we have here in Pontiac and Fairbury are locally owned and will remain open. Whew! We need to hang onto locally owned franchises; it’s what our little towns were built on! Go Mom and Pop! Shop local!


– Cat Coppinger