Police Reform Work Passes in Illinois

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A package of measures to reform police work passed the Illinois House this yesterday afternoon by a vote of 102-7

By Haley Kosik/WJEZ News

SPRINGFIELD – A package of measures to reform police work passed the Illinois House this yesterday afternoon by a vote of 102-7.

It requires more training and independent review of police-involved deaths, bans choke-holds, and establishes rules if police departments want to equip their officers with body cameras.

This makes Illinois a leader, says Sean M. Smoot, Executive Director of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent and Protective Association, and a member of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing.

Illinois is a leading state and will be the first state to statutorily implement several of the recommendations that are included in the president’s task force report, which was just finalized a week ago Monday, he said.

The measure was negotiated among lawmakers of both parties, police chiefs and sheriffs, police unions and the ACLU.

Also included is a provision that requires record-keeping of pedestrian stops just like traffic stops, and the establishment of a database of cops fired for bad conduct, so when they apply for work elsewhere, that department will know.

The bill now goes to the Senate.