Short-term Extension of Transportation Funding Not Acceptable

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By Haley Kosik/WJEZ News

Members of Illinois’ congressional delegation from both parties agree another short-term extension of transportation funding isn’t acceptable.

Before leaving Washington last week, Congress passed a two-month extension of the Highway Trust Fund, the latest in a series of short-term fixes.

U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Evanston) said, “Next time, Congress must pass a long-term solution. Most of us supported the two-month extension because the appropriations are there and we want the checks to go out, but that’s it, no more.

The problem isn’t agreeing on the need for a long-term highway bill, but on how to fund it. U.S. Rep. Mike Bost (R-Murphysboro) said raising the gas tax isn’t likely to gain enough support in Congress. “Even though that would be your long-term fix, the problem is I just don’t think the will power is there to do it yet,” said Bost.

The last long-term transportation bill was passed in 2005.