Cat’s Chat: Saving money

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By Cathi Coppinger


Are you trying to save money? Like I’ll say, that’s it, no useless spending and then I see some ridiculous thing that I have to have! Of course I get it home and Coppinger says what do you need that for? My answer is always I just wanted it! So when you have that moment where you finally go, “That’s it, I need to cut back” . Where are you going to make those cuts? A survey has the answer for you.

1.  Eating out

2.  Booze

3.  New clothes

4.  Cigarettes

5.  Heating or AC

They also found the five things we blow money on that we’re NOT willing to cut out .

1.  Our hobbies and activities

2.  Entertainment

3.  Netflix or cable

4.  Our cell phone bill

5.  Gadgets