Early voter turnout breaking records in Livingston County


By Cynthia Grau/WJEZ News

With Election Day only four days away, early voting turnout is breaking records in Livingston County.

Livingston County Clerk Kristy Masching has information about voter turnout so far, as well as information on how you can vote early to avoid the lines Tuesday.

“So far this year, we’ve had 2,069 who have come in person to vote or change their registration as well as mailed out 810 ballots. In 2012, we had 1,753 early voters and vote by mail ballots, at that time it was called absentee, so we’ve gone past that figure. You can do early voting at our office Saturday from 9 to noon and Monday from 8 to 4:30. If they need to change registration or are wanting to vote, they do have to come to the courthouse and they need to be prepared to vote at that same time. We are suggesting they come Friday, Saturday or Monday. Don’t wait until Election Day, because in the March election, we registered 188 people. Those were long lines,” Masching said.