County dealing with minors sending illegal photos

By Cynthia Grau/WJEZ News

Livingston County has been experiencing a rash of investigations involving minors sending inappropriate pictures, but not stopping with the viewing by the recipient.

State’s Attorney Randy Yedinak explained that the particular issue is a crime for anyone 17 years old or younger, and the result can become tricky.

“We’ve got a lot of situations where one individual will send a photo or video to their boyfriend, to their girlfriend to another person, and it’s not necessarily that interaction that causes a problem, although that is a crime in and of itself – it’s when the individual shares it with 28 of their friends at the high school or shares it with the world and then you have a situation that has gotten completely out of control and was never intended by that original person. It’s just a huge problem that we’re dealing with right now,” Yedinak said.

Yedinak was a guest on a recent Community Forum, which can be found at, where he further details the issue.