State Police anniversary logo contest underway

By Cynthia Grau/WJEZ News

In honor of the Illinois State Police’s 100th Anniversary in 2022, the Illinois State Police Heritage Foundation is holding a logo contest.

The criteria for the contest is that the submission needs to be professional, as it will be featured on websites, social media and other mediums; it needs to promote the 100th anniversary theme of the ISP; there are no color limitations, but the logo must look good in color or can be black and white; they cannot include copyrighted material; and all logos should celebrate the past and future of ISP.

The contest ends March 1 and paintings or drawings on canvas may be delivered to ISPHF 100th Anniversary Logo Design Contest, ISP Public Information Office, 801 S. 7Th Street, Suite 1100A, Springfield, Illinois, 62703. Designs should be submitted to

Top three submissions win monetary prizes. All submissions will become property of ISP.