By Cynthia Grau/WJEZ News
The OSF HealthCare Saint James – John W. Albrecht Medical Center Auxiliary recently donated $36,500 for renovations of the medical center’s education center.
Community Relations Coordinator Pam Meiner said the money is raised all year long from jewelry, bake, candy and craft sales, as well as all of the gift shop sales. She describes how exactly the money will make a difference with the education center.
“This year, the money is going toward the renovation of our education center on our second floor, which many of your listeners are familiar with because they’ve attended a class or some training in the education center, or some a support group meeting. With the renovations, the changes being made will improve both the convenience of people attending and the privacy of them. We’re going to add an enclosed classroom for both community and healthcare provider education. We’re going to add a dedicated simulation room for the simulation equipment we have. It’s going to be in its own private space. We’re going to rearrange the activities in the education center so the access to our diabetes educators will be easier than it is now, and we’re also going to upgrade the technology that’s used in our education center. We very much appreciate the auxiliary’s donation,” Meiner said.
For more information, visit osfsaintjames.org.