By Cynthia Grau/WJEZ News
Livingston County got out and voted yesterday, posting anywhere from 5 percent to over 40 percent voter turnout, depending on the district, and local results are as follows:
Republican Kristy Masching once again secured the Republican nomination for County Clerk. She has already served 15 years in the position and said is looking forward to the November election.
“I am very excited to once again be selected to represent our party in the November election for the Republican Party. I appreciate the support and am overwhelmed by it. The county has been good to me and my family,” Masching said.
Nikki Meier ran unopposed for the Republican nomination for County Treasurer to potentially take the place of longtime treasurer Barb Sear.
The race for the Republican nomination for Livingston County Sheriff was won by incumbent Tony Childress over challenger Jack Wiser. Childress relayed his feelings at the end of Election Day.
“It means the world to me. It’s a very, very humbling experience. I think that I have so many blessings and so many people and supporters that I’m thankful for. I didn’t win this election. They did,” Childress said.
Wiser fell short to Childress by an unofficial tally of 61.76 percent to 38.24 percent, and still had time to thank all the voters that came out to vote throughout the day.
“My campaign was a good, honest, hard working campaign. I give credit to my family and friends who spent a lot of time with me getting things in order for the campaign. I do believe our campaign has brought a light on certain issues that need to be looked at very closely by the citizens, the county board and other government bodies. Thank you to all the voters of Livingston County who spoke their opinion tonight. And thank you,” Wiser said.