School funding from the State continues positive swing

By Cynthia Grau/WJEZ News

The Pontiac District 90 Board of Education got an update on State funding at its most recent meeting.

Superintendent Jon Kilgore said things are looking up, as compared to the past two years with the difficulties in Springfield.

“New tier moneys, which is part of this evidence based funding model, the first one has been vouchered to the comptroller, but yet not released, meaning that it will be on its way at some point. That is good news, as far as Illinois goes. I always caution our board that we’re on target right now and even though we have been getting, it doesn’t mean we always will get in the last months. But things seem pretty positive and I’m pretty confident that that will stay on target,” Kilgore said.

Kilgore was a guest on a recent Community Forum, where he has more information from Monday’s meeting. That is available at