By Cynthia Grau/WJEZ News
The Livingston County Board met Thursday evening and were presented with a vehicle donation for the Veterans Assistance Commission.
Board Chairman Bob Young explains how they became new owners of a used SUV.
“Cheryl Harvey, the public relations director for Enbridge, and Joe Steichen got together and Enbridge donated a used SUV vehicle to our Veterans Assistance Committee, which they use to transport our veterans to different hospitals and appointments. It was a very generous gift and we very much thank Enbridge for that particular help to our county,” Young said.
The Board also received positive feedback from its recent annual audit.
“They had presented it to the Finance Committee the week before and we thoroughly went through it then. We accepted the audit. We had a good audit. Everything looked good. All of our procedures are good and we’re trying to hold our own with expenses versus revenue and we saw a little more positive approach to that this time,” Young said.
Young was a guest on a recent Community Forum, which can be found at WJEZ.com.