Red Cross provides tips to beat the heat

With the summer heat beating down on Central Illinois, the American Red Cross is providing some advice for how to stay cool and safe. (WJEZ File Photo)

By Patrick Baron

PONTIAC – The American Red Cross is urging people to remain safe amid extreme heat temperatures.

The heat and humidity can make it dangerous to be outside without taking the proper precautions. The Centers for Disease Control reports more than 600 people are killed by extreme heat every year. Red Cross spokesperson Lynn Hruska explained the hot weather can make it perilous for people to be outside for too long if they aren’t careful.

“It’s important for everyone to realize that warm weather can be dangerous. The Red Cross has steps you can follow to make sure you and your loved ones are protected when warm weather hits your area,” said Hruska.

Tips for beating the summer heat include:
– Avoid drinks containing caffeine or alcohol.
– Wear loose-fitting, lightweight, light-colored clothing.
– Avoid strenuous exercise.
– Take frequent breaks if working outside.
– Stay hydrated by drinking water frequently.
– Check in with family, friends, and neighbors who don’t have air conditioning.
– Check on animals frequently, making sure they have plenty of cool water.

Regional Communications Director Trisha Burnett said adults who are over the age of 65, infants, children, and athlete are particularly at-risk for developing a heat-related illness.

Signs of heat exhaustion include pale of flushed skin, heavy sweating, headache, nausea, dizziness, and weakness. If anyone exhibiting these signs refuses water, vomits, or begins to lose consciousness, call 911.

Patrick Baron can be reached at [email protected].