Livingston County Seeking Interim Sheriff

By Todd Wineburner

Livingston County is seeking an interim sheriff to replace Sheriff Tony Childress. Childress’s retirement was officially accepted by the Livingston County Board at its February 24th meeting, so it falls to County Board Chair Kathy Arbogast to appoint an interim sheriff.

Anyone seeking the position should submit a letter of interest to Board Chair Arbogast at the county board office at 112 W. Madison in Pontiac. Letters should be submitted by March 7th and the appointed individual will be announced for board approval at the March 17th board meeting.

Statute requires the interim sheriff to be from the same political party as the outgoing sheriff, so only Republicans are eligible. Candidates must be registered voters in Livingston County with the ability to serve in the post until November 30th, 2022. A permanent sheriff will be chosen through elections on June 28th and November 8th.

For more information, contact the County Board Office or County Clerk Kristy Masching.