Pontiac Police name officer of the year

By Cynthia Grau/WJEZ News

The Pontiac Police have named Officer Allan Doran as the 2016 officer of the Year.

Major Dan Davis gave the five year veteran of the force many accolades as to why he was chosen for the honor.

“Officer Doran has always been a very pragmatic officer. He is always willing to help out with whatever details or challenges that are presented to him. He employs common sense all the time and that is a very essential trait for policing nowadays. He is able to interact with the public as well as officers from every different agency he works with very well. The city is very lucky to have officers like Allan Doran on our department,” Davis said.

Doran is a member of the Tactical Response Team, certified as an ALICE/Active Threat instructor and is a Field Training officer.