Tales for Tails coming to Humane Society

By Cynthia Grau/WJEZ News

The Livingston County Humane Society is starting a special program called Tales for Tails at its shelter.

Shelter owner Karen Gregory said this will begin March 21 and run through April and will be a sort of pilot program for an already successful one in other counties.

“We have reading rugs and books. The kids will be sitting on the outside of the kennels on kindergarten rugs, reading to the dogs that are shy. And I have a lot of shy dogs. Hearing that little voice, the dogs really do calm down. Our space will be limited, so we do need to get the kids who are interested in coming, to come get registered. Books will be provided by us. Kids need to wear closed toe shoes and long pants. That’s just to avoid scratches if they should interact with the animals at all when we are there. We do require that their parents do stay with them,” Gregory said.

Visit the shelter at 21179 East 1358 North Road, north of Pontiac, to register.