Pontiac District 90 looking to add software options for new busing

By Cynthia Grau/WJEZ News

The Pontiac District 90 Board of Education met Monday evening and discussed transitioning the school’s busing back to in-house instead of using busing companies.

School Superintendent Jon Kilgore explained that this new busing situation brought with it research for new school software for teachers, bus drivers, students and parents to make the commute to and from school a bit easier.

“One of the things parents will be excited about is we are considering software options. There will be a software that not only will allow us to do our routing, but also for students and buses tracking, from a parent’s prospective. In other words, you would be able to, as a parent, to see where the bus is, right from your phone if you downloaded the app. We are considering options for students where they would check in and check off the buses and parents would be able to tell, not only if that happened, where that happened and when that happened, but if a student tries to get on or off at a wrong or inappropriate location, we would know those things through that process.,” Kigore said.

Kilgore said the details should be available before school gets out later this spring.

Also, during the Monday evening meeting, they accepted a resignation from a longtime teacher and approved the hiring of his replacement.

School Superintendent Jon Kilgore explains.

“We will unfortunately be and regretfully and happy for him retiring English teacher and department chair Tom Ramseyer. He’s the type of guy that has done a great job and has a lot of passion for what he does.  He can’t be replaced. We will be finding the best person for that and that’s Thomas McElwee. He’s got a music background and a Master’s Degree in English. He has teaching experience and music teaching experience,” Kilgore said.

Kilgore was a guest on a recent Community Forum, which can be found at WJEZ.com.