Taste of Dwight SUNDAY

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By Cynthia Grau/WJEZ News

The Taste of Dwight is happening this Sunday from noon to 8 at Dwight’s Renfrew Park.

This is the second year for this annual event and Janice Lauritzen, executive director of the Dwight Economic Alliance, said everything about Dwight will be showcased during this event.

“We have several of our local restaurants participating and they’ll give you a taste of what they have on their menu,” Lauritzen. “It’s also a taste of our business community, because a lot of our businesses will be set upw with booths to explain what they have to offer our community, as well, so it’s an all-around Taste of Dwight, not just the food.”

Renfrew Park is located inside the square created by Morris Road and North, Franklin and Spencer streets in Dwight.