By Cynthia Grau/WJEZ News
The Pontiac City Council met Monday evening and approved bids for different work planned to happen at Humiston-Riverside Park in Pontiac.
Mayor Bob Russell explains the changes that will be taking place.
“The Humiston Trust is going to do extensive work on that park. They’re going to make it a showplace. The old jail is going to come down. We received asbestos removal bids and lead paint (removal bids) and that’s going to start right away, then we’ll take bids to tear down the old jail. There will be new wash rooms built in the park, a lot of seating areas, splash pads and the Humiston Trust is funding all of this. They just want this to be a really nice place for people to gather,” Russell said.
Humiston-Riverside Park is located at 400 W. Water Street.
The council also discussed road work that will be happening in Pontiac after several years of planning.
Russell explained the project will be paid through five years worth of saving Federal Aid to Urban funds.
“If you’re familiar with the old piece of pavement that was part of the original stretch of Old 66 that runs from Stoller International out to the Old Log Cabin restaurant. That was part of 66 that was given to the City years ago and wasn’t the best bargain for sure, because it was very narrow and was on a couple of curves, so we’re going to be widening that stretch and repaving it. That’s finally going to happen after many, many years,” Russell said.
More details from Monday’s meeting are available on the Community Forum in the podcast section at