Cat’s Chat: Most common cheating excuses


By Cathi Coppinger

Have you ever had that friend who seems oblivious to their partner’s cheating? Like it is so obvious to you, how could they not know?  Well, I have a list of some of the most common excuses men use, so now it’s understandable why she doesn’t know. Oh, I’m being sarcastic too! According to a new survey, 34% of the men in the survey who are having affairs thell their partner they are golfing.  “I have to work late,” 27%.  “I’m going out with friends,” 13%.  “I’m going to the gym,” 5%.  And finally, the one that would totally give it away for me, cos Coppinger hates to do it, “I’m going grocery shopping,” 4%. Yep! Busted!