Cat’s Chat: More painful than childbirth?


By Cathi Coppinger

According to women who’ve had at least one kid, these seven things can actually be more painful than CHILDBIRTH.  See if you agree, ladies . . .

  1. Kidney stones.  One woman said it’s like being stabbed in the side with a hot knife over and over again.
  2. A really bad toothache.  Meaning the pain is constant.
  3. Broken ribs.  Not because the pain itself is worse.  But they take a long time to heal, and it hurts every time you breathe.
  4. A really bad migraine.  Which can last hours, and cause some people to pass out from the pain.
  5. Gout.  Which causes burning and swelling in your joints.  A recent survey found more than two-thirds of people with it said it’s the worst pain they’ve ever experienced.
  6. Trigeminal neuralgia.  Which is when a nerve in the side of your head gets inflamed and causes a stabbing pain.  Apparently it’s rare, but there’s no cure.  And it’s so painful, it makes some people consider suicide.
  7. Third-degree burns.  But not just the burn itself.  Getting skin grafts, new bandages, and washing the burned skin can actually be MORE painful.