By Cynthia Grau/WJEZ News
From wearing light, reflective clothing to never eating candy before an adult checks it, there are many trick-or-treat safety tips that are good to follow.
A newer thing that local residents seem to be doing on Halloween isn’t a good idea, and Pontiac Police Chief Jim Woolford explains why.
“A lot of parents like to drive their kids house-to-house and will stop in the middle of the road to let their kids out. Technically, stopping or standing in a road way in a driving lane is an Illinois vehicle code violation. Most of the side streets, we’re not going to have any big issues with that, but when you’re on main roads (Water, Elm, Vermillion streets) that are heavily traveled, that really becomes a dangerous issue for children trying to get in and out of cars,” said Woolford, adding that pulling over, parking and walking the block with your children is safer.
The complete Community Forum, where Woolford explains many more safety tips is available at here.