Help Spread the Word to End the Word by participating in the Run for Respect, happening in Pontiac Saturday, April 21.… MORE

Help Spread the Word to End the Word by participating in the Run for Respect, happening in Pontiac Saturday, April 21.… MORE
Alcohol is sometimes considered the forgotten drug, and IHR’s Executive Director Joe Vaughan has some advice about recognizing whether or not a person has a problem with it.… MORE
In high school baseball, Pontiac fell to Herscher, 12-4. The loss drops the Indians to 3-4 on the season.… MORE
In honor of National Boys and Girls Club Week, both locations of the Boys and Girls Club of Livingston County will be holding an open house from 4:30 to 5:30 Friday afternoon at its Pontiac and Fairbury locations.… MORE
Suzie’s Brainstormers, an American Cancer Society Relay for Life Team from Pontiac will be holding its annual Craft and Vendor Fair from 11 to 3 Saturday, April 21, at St Paul’s Lutheran Church in Pontiac.… MORE
Circuit Judge Mark Fellheimer was recently elected to complete the term of a current 11th Circuit Chief Judge.… MORE
The Pontiac District 90 Board of Education got an update on State funding at its most recent meeting.… MORE
High school softball, Dwight shutout Clifton Central, 10-0, in five innings.… MORE
The annual Pontiac Christian School Benefit Banquet will be Saturday at the Pontiac Elks Lodge beginning at 5 p.m.… MORE
The Pontiac Kiwanis Club is holding its annual all you can eat Spaghetti Supper fundraiser Thursday from 4:30 to 7 at the Pontiac Township High School Commons.… MORE