In high school baseball, Fieldcrest lost to Putnam County, 7-2, at Dozer Park. … MORE

In high school baseball, Fieldcrest lost to Putnam County, 7-2, at Dozer Park. … MORE
The Pontiac Kiwanis Club met Wednesday and heard about the history of the United Way of Livingston County.… MORE
The Fairbury Police Department is raising funds for a new K-9 Program with events planned to teach residents how a K9 program will help the community.… MORE
One Dwight man says this is the second time he’s lost everything. Daniel Housman first lost his trailer in the Dwight tornado of 2010 and again in a house fire last week.… MORE
Prairie Central’s state champion wrestlers Drew Hosleton and Brandon Hoselton headline the first all-Illini Prairie Conference wrestling team.… MORE
The Pontiac Bible Church is holding their Easter Egg Hunt Saturday from 9-11 at the church, located at 1611 W. Reynolds Street.… MORE
County Deputies have been directed to pick one day out of their week to primarily work traffic enforcement after an uptick in serious injury and fatal accidents that have happened since the first of the year.… MORE
The first Illini Prairie Conference basketball team includes one Pontiac, sophomore Ryan Weir. Eddie Shumaker of Prairie Central was given an honorable mention. … MORE
The Livingston County Corn Growers held its annual meeting Monday morning and got updates from Congressman Adam Kinzinger and State Representative Tom Bennett.… MORE
The Pontiac Bloodmobile will be at the Pontiac VFW from 11 to 5 Wednesday, and donations are always needed, especially during this National Red Cross Month.… MORE