Sometimes songs contain a lot more than meets the ear. Sometimes, though, they don’t.… MORE

Sometimes songs contain a lot more than meets the ear. Sometimes, though, they don’t.… MORE
Thursdays are all about novelty hits, and the best way to sell a novelty hit is to catch the public’s imagination with something they already know.… MORE
The music business forces some musical forms to change. Today’s one-hit wonder helped create a change that led to some serious changes in the American musical landscape.… MORE
A great song that almost never found its way to people’s ears.… MORE
There are all kinds of songs about the rain, but only one like this.… MORE
Patti Smith is a legendary musician, but she’s not a pop star. She only broke into the top 40 one time and that was kind of a happy accident.… MORE
You may not love today’s band, but a lot of people did.… MORE
Not all disco songs sound the same, and a 1975 number one hit for Van McCoy proves it. See if you remember how to line dance.… MORE
Does great talent make for a great band? There’s one band that had every chance to find out.… MORE
Whitney Houston’s personal life sometimes overshadowed her talent. Early in her career, that wasn’t a problem Her first number one hit is our focus.… MORE