The Pontiac Caterpillar plant gave a tour Thursday to share a look at the new expansion happening.… MORE
The Pontiac Caterpillar plant gave a tour Thursday to share a look at the new expansion happening.… MORE
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and the Livingston County Public Health Department has kicked off its Pink Porches Campaign.… MORE
Greg give us an update on what happened in sports on Sunday, September 18th.… MORE
Cat tells us about a new study that shows your water bottle may carry more bacteria than your dog’s water bowl.… MORE
The Pontiac Area Chamber of Commerce is hosting a community flu shot day with Pontiac Walmart Saturday at the Chamber office, located at 210 n. Plum Street.… MORE
With National Farm Safety Week underway, area businesses are coming together to remind people that big farm machinery will soon be traveling the roads with us.… MORE
Greg gives us a preview of Friday night high school football along with a look at what happened in sports on Thursday, September 15th.… MORE
Today Cat talks about the mistakes people make at work when tired.… MORE
The Livingston County Board met last night to further discuss the wind energy ordinance and its moratorium.… MORE
Today Cat will tell you about a study that shows that men’s hands today are weaker than they use to be.… MORE